Operations at http://api.123-txt.com/Api123WCF.svc/rest

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
Contact/ById POST Retrieve contact(s) by specifying unique contact id's.
PUT Update contact properties by specifying unique contact id's.
DELETE Delete contacts by specifying unique contact id's.
Contact/ByProp POST Retrieve paged contacts by specifying the value of an existing property to search by.
PUT Update contact properties by specifying the value of an existing property to search by.
DELETE Delete contacts by specifying the value of an existing property.
Contact/ByProp/Count POST Retrieve count of contacts located by specifying the value of an existing property to search by.
Contact/Properties POST Retrieve list of valid properties associated with a client.
ContactList POST Retrieve paged list of contact lists associated with a client.
ContactList/Count POST Retrieve count of contact lists associated with a client.
GetSentSms POST Retrieve previously sent SMS, specifying the number it was sent to and the number it was sent from.
GET Retrieve previously sent SMS, specifying the number it was sent to and the number it was sent from.
GetSentSms/{user}/{pass}/{sentTo}/{sentFrom}/{maxRecords}/{cutOffDate} GET Retrieve previously sent SMS, specifying the number it was sent to and the number it was sent from.
ReceiveSms GET Collect Sms received after specified date, auth and data as parameters to request.
POST Collect Sms received after specified date, auth and data in body of request.
ReceiveSms/{user}/{pass}/{maxRecords}/{lastDate} GET Collect Sms received after specified date, auth and data as parameters to request.
SendSms GET Sends an SMS, auth and data as parameters to request.
POST Sends an SMS, auth and data in body of request.
SendSms/{user}/{pass}/{source}/{destination}/{sms} GET Sends an SMS, auth and data as parameters to request.
SendSmsAdvanced POST Sends an SMS, auth and data in body of request.
SentSmsStatus POST Fetches the statuses
Surveys/CreateSurveyRecipientsWithParameters POST Create a list of Survey Recipients along with corresponding parameters.